Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day One- Two


We landed.We slept on a bus to Heidelberg. We toured downtown Heidelberg including the Old Bridge and the city's castle. During free time, my group trekked up a mountain on the Philosopher's Way, and then at the last 30 minutes of time, I jogged back over to it, and up it, and back. Following this, I couldn't feel my legs, and we climbed another mountain to set to the castle. We then all slept on the bus to Speyer. In Speyer we saw a cathedral, paroused through the shopping/cafe district, picking up some delicious truffle ice cream. Following this, we had a scrumptious four-course meal, cme to our hotel and passed out about 8pm. Today was a good day.

First day in Germany was very exhausting because of the lack of sleep. It was also very educational and interesting. We went to Heidelberg and got to see the ruins of a castle of 5 previous kings. We also experienced the first time we had to have a conversation with a German person today while ordering a meal. Overall, today was very fun and I can't wait to get some sleep so I can enjoy my excursion to Germany again tomorrow!

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